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At Step Free Recovery, we believe that everyone deserves access to evidence-based addiction treatment that minimizes withdrawal time. We offer secure online visits and same-day appointments with prescription, as well as a 24-hour on-call option for support. Currently, we are only accepting patients in Texas.

Access to MAT on Your Terms
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Introducing the Rapid Induction Method: A New Era in OUD Treatment

Overcoming Precipitated Withdrawal: No Abstinence Required to Mitigate Prolonged Discomfort

Step Free Recovery is pioneering a transformative approach to OUD treatment with the rapid induction method. This innovative technique offers a major breakthrough, particularly for fentanyl users. It significantly reduces the discomfort associated with precipitated withdrawal, condensing it to just 30-40 minutes. Unlike traditional methods, it doesn't require a period of abstinence from opioids, making the path to recovery more accessible and less daunting. This method represents a significant shift in treating OUD, providing a quicker, more comfortable transition to a life free from opioid dependence.

At Step-Free Recovery, we reject the notion of abstinence-only based recovery, most commonly seen in Narcotics Anonymous (NA). Opioid use disorder (OUD) is complex in that there is both a mental and physical dependence on the drug, and complete abstinence based recovery that discourages medication assisted treatment (MAT) has proven time and time again to just not work for individuals with OUD.

Unfortunately, despite the studies proving MAT’s clinical studies proving MAT’s clinical effectivenessthe stigma surrounding it affects its accessibility to those who need it. This stigma is perpetuated by common misconceptions, most notably that it is “trading one drug for another.”

Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone), when used at therapeutic doses, is safe, improves treatment retention, and decreases illicit opioid use in individuals with OUD. Unfortunately, there is still limited access to it, especially in rural areas. Step-Free Recovery intends to bridge the gap between individuals with OUD and their access to Suboxone through the use of telehealth, starting with the state of Texas.

Our Treatment Philosophy

Donating Blood

Step-Free Recovery was born from recognizing the stark challenges that those battling opioid use disorder (OUD) face, particularly amplified by the systemic barriers that block access to vital medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in areas like rural Texas. The palpable lack of providers and logistical impediments in these regions ignited a mission: to deliver access to life-saving treatment, eliminating geographical and logistical constraints.

The  stigma attached to addiction generates yet another formidable barrier to seeking help, making the journey to recovery even more isolating and challenging. Step-Free Recovery not only acknowledges this challenge but actively works against it, creating a safe, non-judgmental space where everyone seeking help is welcomed and supported.

Our Mission

Is fear of precipitated withdrawal keeping you from starting treatment? We have an answer. No cold turkey required. No prolonged withdrawal. Transition to buprenorphine with our rapid induction method. Same day intake, provider visit, and induction. Flat monthly rates, no surprise fees. 

Looking to switch providers? Make a seamless transition without starting over with weekly visits. Same day provider appointments and 30-day prescription for continuing MAT patients. Flat monthly rate; no "per appointment" fees.  

Court mandated treatment? Drug related offenses? We tailor our program to individual needs. If you need MAT and additional treatment mandated by the court, we provide treatment progress, letters on your behalf, and work with your attorney to ensure you are back on the right path. 

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  • Access to Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) on your terms

  • We utilize the latest evidence-based treatment approaches to ensure minimal withdrawal time.

  • Secure online visits and same-day appointments with prescription available

  • 24-hour on-call option available

  • Individuals battling Fentanyl addiction can now receive immediate care without prolonged abstinence prior to induction.

  • Currently serving all of Texas


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